Thursday, February 03, 2011


wow. 3 months since last words here. Not felt the need. Apologies to you if you do read this blog, (I am pretty sure you are out there somewhere:), you are valued and I appreciate any comments or feedback to the waffle I create.
A number of personal changes here since last blog, though not able to write much, all in time...

I did begin writing a book recently, a kind of part memoir and part fiction story about my adventures within a certain little festival over 20 odd years (some very odd...) - 2 chapters done and goal is to finish in a fashion this year sometime. May publish some snippets here to get some feedback, let me know if you would like to read some of what I got so far.

Quite a few gigs with a new band in last couple of months, the old Bass guitar is getting a nice work out of late and I am really enjoying getting back into playing live, hopefully some more news on that front coming up, if and when I get go ahead to shout it out...

Decided to divest myself of the social networking thing for the time being, Facebook and Twitter dumped, found myself getting sucked in too much and decided time for a break on that front. They both have their value and can be great ways of communicating, and news-gathering but they can also be a right pain in the posterior. Sometimes its good to take some time out from certain areas of online life (and thus maybe get some real life time back in return?)...
Also hitting the old Fleabay in an attempt to keep the fatlad boat afloat financially, just trying out new iSale software for mac in past few days, and seems to be a good way of listing stuff relatively easily and smartly.
Speaking of which, the camera is charged and its time to get creative....

1 comment:

Rainbow dreams said...

indeed sometimes a break from online life can be good in many ways ~ recently I deleted my blog and fb but then reinstated in case I decided to return!
Hope all is well with you despite whatever changes you have been going through - the gigs sound good - in fact it sounds creative on all accounts :) Would love to read some of your writing if you'd like to share.
Take good care, Katie