Friday, February 04, 2005

deep-feel day

yesterday was a day of deep feelings coming up to the fore - one of those days where you know you're alive, and the depth and strength of emotions rise to the surface.......

a funeral....

a job interview.....

make poverty history......

Great aunt sadie 1921-2005, married to albert for 58 years, passed away last week.
Big funeral, crematorium service full of creaking bones, friends and extended family...

service included reading from john 12:

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.

I go to prepare a place for you.

On to the community centre for tea and cakes where albert and sadie spent a lot of their time and efforts.
Great salt of the earth people.....

sadness and a sense of strength, a hand around the shoulder, a tear in the eye, feeling for the ones left behind, especially albert, so frail, six stones, an iron tough spirit, and a broken heart.........

Job interview not for me (God forbid!!!!) - no - my jules, perfect for the job, doing the job temporary already, but as i feared, going for a job already earmarked for someone else - all the signs pointed to it, county council crony-ism at work here - deep corruption pervades this fucking council.........

take a look here

I make no apologies for my anger, all the cliches will be used and believed

'every dog has his day'
'all comes to he who waits'
'what goes around comes around'

Make Poverty History

with all the other stuff going on i listened and watched when i could,

Bob 'I AM SICK OF ALL THIS CRAP' Geldof introducing the president of the world, mr mandela,

Makes my heart sing and want to give my support.

I will wear the white band

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